Static or Dynamic Website Design — What Should You Prefer?

Digital Hub Solution


Typically, dynamic means constant change, activity, or progress (of a process or system).The meaning of static is fixed or stationary. Both these terms are also used to describe two types of websites — Dynamic and Static website designs.However, if you’re a business owner planning to get a website designed, you may have a slight confusion between the two.

static website design

To make things clear, you’ll have to understand the difference between them. It’s only after that you’d be able to decide which website is best suited for your brand or business.

So, without wasting any more time — let’s get started.

Static Website Design

A static website gets displayed on the web browser exactly how it is stored. It consists of web pages with fixed content in the form of HTML codes and is stored on a web server. The website does not change — it remains the same for each and every visitor of the website.

It is a primary choice for those looking for a quick website. This is because it does not need any complex programming or database designing. Static website designing is in fact the most basic type of website that is super simple to build and is ideal for small scale brands.

Even managing a static website does not require an individual to have the technical know-how.

But if you wish to have a website with hundreds of pages and loads of content — it is recommended you chose a dynamic website design. If you’re wondering why, read on…

Dynamic Website Design

A dynamic website design is completely database-driven. It requires heavy programming and database designing. It contains content and information that changes depending on varied factors like who is accessing the website, the current time, time, or the language of the country the viewer is visiting the website from. All of the website content whether its images or text is stored on the content management system or database. To make a change to the site, one needs to update or change within the database first.

When someone visits your website, the server receives data from the visitor’s browser. So, when a dynamic website is used or visited, the pages are generated in real-time to the website user based on this data. The visitor is able to see a customized page generated through scripted coding and interpretation from the web server.

In simple words, the content for each new visitor can be different when you have a dynamic website. This is done via cookies — information stored on the visitor’s computer that is stored on the web server or environmental variables such as the type of browser that is being used, the IP address of the visitors, or what page was visited by the user before visiting your website.

Ask any search engine optimization consultant, even he or she would recommend you get a dynamic website. It allows you to do and offer great things to your website visitors. Whether you have an eCommerce website or service providing one — you can easily add content, blogs, news, and products without having to depend on a developer.

So, which one is better for you?

We’d say — dynamic website. It offers an interactive approach and keeps your visitors engaged. However, it can be costly. If you’re on a tight budget and require a website on an urgent basis, go for a static website.



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